Flexible dieting with Hypothyroidism relies on macros. Originally named “If it Fits Your Macros” tells you why you need to understand what your macros are. This is because you are tracking all your food. Making sure what you eat fits into the macros you are allotted constitutes the strategy of flexible dieting with hypothyroidism. Here are some things to know about macros, calculating them, and sticking to them.
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Why You Track Your Macros
Choosing the right foods depends on the macros of the food which requires you to understand what the macros are to begin with. Flexible dieting with Hypothyroidism isn’t just about eating what you want. Also it isn’t about mindful eating where you eat when you’re hungry, but don’t track anything. While you can definitely use methods of mindful eating, you still want to know what you eat and how much of it you eat. Focusing on macros eventually leads you to living a life of always making smart, healthy choices.
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Calculating Your Macros
The easiest way to track your macros is use an online calculator. There are resources at the bottom of this article that you can use. There is a specific formula needed to figure out your macros, as it is based on many things. Your height, weight, fitness level, and energy expenditure are all considered when figuring out your macros. The macros are macronutrients that include protein, fat, and carbs, in addition to the calories you can consume each day.
One person might have 30% fat, 35% protein, and 35% carbs, while another person may have more fat and lower carbs, or another percentage entirely. This is why you should calculate them beforehand.
Tracking Your Macros
How do you track them? Since you aren’t just going for a number of calories, tracking with pen and paper is not ideal. A better option is to use an app, either on your computer or your phone, that gives you macro percentages. For example, MyFitnessPal and Fudist both provide this function. For flexible dieting, you should be tracking everything you eat and drink, but don’t forget about extras like dressing, seasonings,
and sauces. These add up a lot faster than you might think.
Adjusting Your Macros
If you hit a plateau, it is usually a good time to adjust your macros. You might have lost weight or gained weight and need to adjust your macro percentages, or you may have a higher or lower fitness level than you did before. This can make a big difference in your overall goals and successes.
Flexible Dieting Macro Calculators: