How to overcome anxiety using natural remedies. My plan is to journal the journey of overcoming the anxiety and depression that has plagued me for years. Probably a result of hypothyroidism and a collapsed pituitary gland. As you all know, I’m not a fan of allopathic medicine. I’d much rather find natural solutions to dis eases in my body. It occurs to me that I should stress that nothing that I say should be interpreted as medical advice – I am not a doctor. If your are experiencing life threatening symptoms contact your doctor immediately.
Having had an episode of “buzzing” in my body night before last, while my heart was pounding, the result of a nightmare, I have decided that I must get control of what is going on in my subconscious. Over the years I’ve let stress in. Not taking the time to address the incremental creep has left me in a place where I’m feeling heart pain, random abdominal pain and now this “buzzing”.
Anxiety Produces Buzzing and What?
While googling why I was feeling the buzzing, I discovered it is related to anxiety. Which rather fits some other symptoms I’ve had over the years, but that have gotten more intense this last year. Which is understandable because of everything else that has gone on in 2021. At one point I even had an MRI done to make sure I didn’t have cancer or some blockage in my intestines. This is what I’ve been experiencing:
- Heart pain – angina
- Abdominal pain, not unlike the random pain I had before my gallbladder was removed. Speaking of which did you know stress causes gallstones?
- Numbness and tingling in hands and feet
- Hot flashes – yeah I know menopause, but that’s been a decade and they are usually accompanied with heart palpitations
- Depression; nothing sounds fun anymore, feelings of uselessness
- Buzzing – where your whole body feels like an electrical current is running through it. Every nerve ending was firing, or so it seemed.
I’m not trying to elicit sympathy here. More that I’m trying to identify the symptoms so that if you, too are struggling you might relate to some or all of these.
Steps On How To Overcome Anxiety
There are several steps or parts that need to be addressed to overcome anxiety naturally. They are diet, herbs and stress management. Admittedly over the last year I’ve been slack in all three of these areas of my life. Sugar has crept back in, and stress has been out of control.
Being the type of person who wants to control things so that I don’t have to “worry” about them has become an impossibility because of the situation around the world. There are some relationships in my personal life that I’ve allowed to stress me out. And that is on me.
My husband has come off the road (he was a trucker for 25 years) for health reasons, so there has been a lot of change in our home in the last couple months too.
While dieting is not the answer, only causing more stress, eating a quality diet is within my power. Focusing on protein, veggies and fresh fruit while cutting out sugar, alcohol and coffee will be my priority. Not planning to go strictly keto again, but keto light for sure.
Ashwagandah (specifically this brand) has been my go to herb for many years. But I think I need to add in some Maca root, some reishi mushrooms and Tulsi tea. We are already drinking camomile tea in the evenings which has had a profound effect on our sleep in general. By we, I mean my husband and I.
I like to make a tea concoction with 1/4 tsp maca root, 1 tsp cocotropics, 1 tbs of Tulsi tea loose, and a bit of hibiscus flower. It tastes nice and chocolatey.
This mug my sister gave me as a gift years ago. It works great for making my tea concoction. You can get it on Amazon here.
Stress and anxiety, work like a see saw. The more stress, the more anxiety. With my husband home we are walking every morning. We are up to 3 miles a day now. It takes about an hour. We also, decided to build a camper from scratch. In the beginning this was stressful too, but I’ve decided to let it come together on it’s own. I have an idea what I want it to look like, but as it has gone on, it is rather creating itself. I’m making an effort to let the world spin on while trying to hold on the space where my feet touch, down.
Another part of my stress reduction strategy will include journaling about life here. While I was going to just purchase a notebook/journal and write it by hand, I think discussing my struggles here might be helpful to both you and I.
What About You?
Do you struggle with hypothyroidism and anxiety? What are your symptoms? How are you addressing it?
Leave me comments below on how to overcome anxiety or pop over to Facebook (while I still have it) and share your experiences.