Hashimoto Disease Vs Hypothyroidism

Hashimoto Disease Vs Hypothyroidism

As we look at Hashimoto disease vs hypothyroidism  we need to first understand what defines each condition. Hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism implies your thyroid doesn’t sufficiently produce thyroid hormones. The cause of this condition gets attributed in many...
Fighting Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Hypothyroidism

Fighting Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Hypothyroidism

Chronic fаtіguе ѕуndrоmе (CFS) іѕ a disease thаt саuѕеѕ a реrѕоn tо bесоmе so fаtіguеd thаt normal dаіlу funсtіоn іѕ іmраіrеd. Thе tіrеdnеѕѕ that іѕ experienced іѕ so severe thаt mеntаl аnd рhуѕісаl асtіvіtу or mоvеmеnt make thіѕ соndіtіоn wоrѕе, and rest usually...
Kefir Smoothie Recipes

Kefir Smoothie Recipes

Lately I’ve been experimenting with Kefir a wonderful yogurt like substance that makes amazing smoothies. Why is Kefir good for you? ♦Kefir has good bacteria and can be used instead of a probiotic supplement. ♦ Helps people who have IBS, Crohn’s disease, leaky...
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