by Jill | Apr 12, 2016 | Hypothyroidism
Thеrе’ѕ a bіg рrоblеm wіthіn the mеdісаl соmmunіtу today wіth their аррrоасh tо trеаtіng a numbеr of health рrоblеmѕ аnd diseases. And 9 оut оf 10 times, thіѕ рrоblеm еxіѕtѕ bесаuѕе their trеаtmеntѕ аrе drіvеn entirely by financial interests аnd NOT thе bеѕt іntеrеѕtѕ...
by Jill | Jul 28, 2015 | Food
Before we look at the 3 biggest causes of thyroid problems women face we need to determine what the symptoms are…. Now that we understand what the symptoms are we can look at some of the causes of thyroid problems women face. The number three culprit for thyroid...
by Jill | Apr 22, 2015 | Hypothyroidism
When it comes to beating the depression hypothyroidism cycle there are several things that can be done to minimize the devastating affects this vicious disorder can ravage on an individual. My experience with the medical community has been that as I went in to have my...
by Jill | May 12, 2014 | Motivation
If you are suffering from multiple hypothyroid symptoms. Symptoms like hair loss, thinning of the eyebrows on the outer corners, weird little circular bruises under your arms, dry skin (even though you drink a lot of water), constipation, tired all of the time (except...