Niacin The Missing Link To Mental and Thyroid Health?

Niacin The Missing Link To Mental and Thyroid Health?

Niacin, аlѕо knоwn аѕ Vіtаmіn B3, is a wаtеr soluble vіtаmіn thаt plays a vеrу іmроrtаnt rоlе іn сеllulаr mеtаbоlіѕm. Bing  one оf thе рrіmаrу buіldіng blocks оf important еnzуmеѕ аnd co-enzymes in thе bоdу. Hоwеvеr, the bеnеfіtѕ of nіасіn саn go fаr bеуоnd thіѕ....
Exercising With Hypothyroidism 99 Out of 100 Do This Wrong

Exercising With Hypothyroidism 99 Out of 100 Do This Wrong

  Exercising with hypothyroidism is often confusing.  While there are those that say that exercising with hypothyroidism is good, many other disagree. Actually, exercise can have some wonderful benefits if you chose the correct types of exercise. Most normal...

Advanced Medullary Thyroid Cancer

In the United States for 2014, about 62900 new thyroid cancer cases will be diagnosed. Medullary thyroid cancer – a rare form of cancer located in the thyroid gland at the base of the throat… Be sure to get your free copy of Eat More Weigh Less. For real...
The Hypothyroidism Depression Connection

The Hypothyroidism Depression Connection

If you are suffering from multiple hypothyroid symptoms. Symptoms like hair loss, thinning of the eyebrows on the outer corners, weird little circular bruises under your arms, dry skin (even though you drink a lot of water), constipation, tired all of the time (except...
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