Information on Natural Supplements for Thyroid Health

Information on Natural Supplements for Thyroid Health

Through the hormones that it produces, almost all of the metabolic processes in the body is influenced by the thyroid gland. Thyroid issues can occur ranging from small, mild goiter- an enlarged thyroid gland that needs no treatment to the more dangerous cancer. The...
Healthy Foods That Hinder Fat Loss

Healthy Foods That Hinder Fat Loss

Aѕ уоu gо аbоut your fаt-lоѕѕ dіеt, уоu mіght think that уоu’rе constantly mаkіng ѕmаrt fооd сhоісеѕ. But, аrе уоu rеаllу? Fаr mоrе оftеn thаn реорlе realize, they are nоt gоіng tо ѕее thе rеѕultѕ thаt they’re after simply because they аrеn’t еаtіng thе rіght fооdѕ....
Exercising With Hypothyroidism 99 Out of 100 Do This Wrong

Exercising With Hypothyroidism 99 Out of 100 Do This Wrong

  Exercising with hypothyroidism is often confusing.  While there are those that say that exercising with hypothyroidism is good, many other disagree. Actually, exercise can have some wonderful benefits if you chose the correct types of exercise. Most normal...
Kefir Smoothie Recipes

Kefir Smoothie Recipes

Lately I’ve been experimenting with Kefir a wonderful yogurt like substance that makes amazing smoothies. Why is Kefir good for you? ♦Kefir has good bacteria and can be used instead of a probiotic supplement. ♦ Helps people who have IBS, Crohn’s disease, leaky...


Being a fifty something year old woman who has struggled with thyroid issues for my whole life, I’ve decided that now would be a good…
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